Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight: A Toolkit For Employers

雇主有法律义务提供不损害雇员健康的安全工作场所。然而,我们工作和花费大量时间的许多地方不鼓励体育活动,鼓励我们做出不太健康的选择。与员工合作,雇主可以采取积极、主动、预防性的方法来支持体重管理并鼓励更多的体育活动。Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight: A Toolkit For Employerslists free resources that will help organisations, whatever their size, achieve a healthier working environment.

  • 英国大约三分之一的成年人由于缺乏体育活动而损害了他们的健康。1
  • One in four women and one in five men in England are defined as inactive, doing less than 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.2
  • 据估计,英国纳税人每年为不健康劳动力付出的代价超过600亿英镑。3
  • Employees who are in good health are less likely to need time off work and are likely to be more productive.4

一般来说,从事全职工作的成年人大约有三分之一的醒着时间花在工作上,因此工作场所是提高对这些问题认识的理想环境。万博体育官网手机版Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight, includes a checklist of actions for employers to take, under the broad themes of being prepared, encouraging physical exercise and healthy eating, and providing knowledge and training. Good physical health is closely linked to good mental health. Initiatives designed to encourage physical activity and healthy eating should also focus on mental as well as physical health.

Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight: A Toolkit For Employersis part of the Business in the Community (BITC) and Public Health England (PHE) toolkit series which consolidate the best evidence, practical actions and employer case studies.

View and download the other seven toolkits in this series,
developed in partnership withPublic Health England

Crisis Management in the Event of a Suicide

Crisis Management In The Event Of A Suicide: A Postvention Toolkit For Employers, developed with support fromSamaritans, offers practical advice for employers to follow in the aftermath of an employee suicide.

Domestic Abuse Toolkit

Domestic Abuse Toolkit. This toolkit, sponsored byThe Insurance Charities, provides support and guidance for employers in responding to the risk of domestic abuse.


毒品、酒精和烟草:雇主的工具箱. Supporting your employees wellbeing to reduce sickness, absence, and improve mental wellbeing and productivity.


The雇主心理健康工具包is Business in the Community’s flagship publication and helps employers pick out the most valuable resources relating to mental health and develop an approach to a healthy workplace that really works.

Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight: A Toolkit For Employers

Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight: A Toolkit For Employers. This toolkit shows how working in partnership with employees, employers can take a positive, proactive, preventative approach to support weight management and encourage greater physical activity.

Reducing the risk of suicide

Reducing the risk of suicide. This provides support and advice on how to incorporate suicide prevention into an employer’s workplace health and wellbeing framework. It was developed with support fromSamaritans.

Sleep and Recovery Toolkit

Sleep and Recovery Toolkit. This toolkit sponsored byAnglian Water, offers insight and advice on addressing the increasingly damaging sleep-loss epidemic affecting the nation.

Business in the Community is creating a
skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow


1. NHS Digital; (2017); Health Survey for England 2016; available at

2. Public Health England; (2016); Health Matters: Getting Every Adult Active Every Day; available at

3. Public Health England; (2016); Health and work: infographics; available at

4. Business in the Community; (2018); Musculoskeletal Health Toolkit for Employers; available at//