The Mid-Life MOT: Getting Started

This guide for small- and medium-sized businesses sets out how a mid-life MOT can help both employees and employers. The mid-life MOT is a review that enables employees in their 40s, 50s and 60s to assess their health, skills and finances, so they can better prepare and plan for the future they want. For employers, mid-life MOTs help retain older employees, keeping crucial knowledge and skills within the organisation.

A mid-life MOT helps people think about three core themes:

  • Job: Training and Skills– How do people see their job developing and changing? Do people need to change the way they work to help them stay in work for longer? Are there options to think about current skills, building additional skills or retraining, to support their career ambitions and meet business needs?
  • Health: Health and Wellbeing– What can people do to remain fit and healthy as they get older? What support can employers offer to help people balance their health needs with work? What support is important to the many older workers who have caring responsibilities?
  • Money: Financial planning for retirement – How can people be supported to think about life after work? Are pensions and savings on track to give people the sort of future they want? What changes might happen before retirement which could impact on current and future finances?

Older workers are often a company’s most skilled and experienced employees and retaining them is critical. Mid-life MOTs help to identify different ways in which employers can act to retain older workers. These might include flexible hours or working at home, support during life-changing events such as becoming a carer, and helping managers to adopt a more age inclusive approach. Health and skills are also key elements of staying in work. Offering support early on can increase wellbeing across the workforce.

Employers who do not have HR support but would like to offer a support to employees can get advice from theGovernment’s mid-life MOT web page.

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