Trevor French smiles

Trevor French

Head of Mid Corporate,

South East Leadership Board

Trevor French has worked for Barclays in the South East for over 30 years and has been the head of the Thames Valley Corporate Team for more than ten of those. He, and his team, work with successful businesses operating in many industry sectors across the region. Focusing discussions on clients’ needs and aspirations, helps bring to life how individual businesses or wider sectors can be helped through showcasing capability and thought leadership.

Having spent much of his time in Oxford, where he lives, Trevor knows the community there very well and is passionate about the town and county. Trevor is also on the advisory board for a well-known local charity.

Trevor is proud to be working with Business in the Community. He welcomes the opportunity to support the wider community and local businesses thinking through what the future holds and how they should respond in order to thrive post-COVID-19.