Tyrone Jones looks to the side with his hands resting on a table

Tyrone Jones

Director CSR & Engagement, DWF LLP

North West Leadership Board

Tyrone Jones is the Director of CSR and Engagement at national law firm DWF.

He joined the firm in 2010, having previously worked in the financial services sector. Since joining DWF, Ty has delivered an award-winning values led approach to responsible business, which continues to focus on visible leadership, people engagement and measurable impact. He also has responsibility for the design and implementation of the firm’s diversity and inclusion agenda.

As a passionate advocate for shaping workplace culture and behaviour to deliver responsible and sustainable growth and profitability, Ty encourages a mindset that recognises the business benefits of good corporate citizenship.

In addition to his role as Chair of Business in the Community’s Greater Manchester Employee Volunteering Leadership Group, Ty also sits on the Department for Work and Pensions Disability Employer Engagement Steering Group.