Vicky Bullivant smiles

Vicky Bullivant

Head of Sustainable Business,

Net Zero Carbon Taskforce
Yorkshire and Humber Leadership Board

Vicky Bullivant is Head of Sustainable Business atDrax. She is responsible for the Drax-wide sustainable business strategy and public targets, the social strategy, wellbeing. She also leads the visitor centres at Drax operational power stations in Selby, North Yorkshire and Cruachan in Scotland.

Vicky was previously at Tate & Lyle, Rolls-Royce, Eon and Experian, where she held senior strategic and operational roles, leading and pioneering sustainability, environment, community engagement and fuel poverty. She has also worked in the public sector for regional and national departments.

Vicky sits on the UK advisory board of the UN Global Compact, the Careers and Enterprise Company Employers’ advisory group and the Galloway Glens Landscape partnership.

Vicky sits on theNet Zero Carbon Taskforceworking with Business in the Community and other businesses to develop ways of achieving a low carbon economy.